Long post, wow, so many things -- also Steven, here's the run down for RAZR modding/hacking :D
Okie dokie Im still a bit hung over, but I want to get most this out there before I pass out from all the delicious foodstuffs. Happy Turkey Day, BITCHES ^.^
Alright, first things first. Wow.. just wow. I remember now why Chris, Shea, and Wacker were some of the best friends I had. Me and Ryan actually went over to see them last night, and god damn it was good. In addition, Tommy, Steven, and Justine were all there... oh yea, and Phil too, as well as the girls. We all had some good drinks together (I have now realized the power of alcohol, the healer of wounds, mender of fences, deligator of commons, etc, etc and I could go on like this)
I dont remember a lot of specifics, that is how I knew it was a great time. However, I remember everyone has a RAZR, really gay shit, haha. Ive got the gunmetal Ver, as does Shea, then Justine has the metallic pink V3r (looks better than the poofy pearl pink new one, oh and guys DONT FORGET TO MAIL IN THOSE DAMN REBATES, YA SLACKERS), and Steven, being the omnipotent Canadian that he is, has one of the best Moto RAZRs, the black cingular V3/V3c (I still havent pinpointed which, but they are essentially the same when it comes to features and hacking.)
Its too bad Daerion and Hermanez had other plans (Daerion seeing his dad, and Hermanez had work early in the morning)
Alright, on to the good stuff. The technology. The XBOX360s they have are pretty cool, and no reported problems from Tommy OR Chris, so that is good. Chris still has that DELL desktop I set up for him (lol we need to upgrade that shit), Wacker's got what SOUNDS like the same, or a very similar-to-Laurens Toshiba lappy (powered by celeron M), justine has some busted up Compaq (hawhaw shes fucked like I am, Compaq/HP are shit), and Shea is still ballin' with the same laptop as Ryan (fags bought them at the same time, same place, with the same ASU cash)
Ok now, I thinking just 'upgrade' Justines lappy with my 'legal backup copy' of OEM WinXP, see how much that fixes, then clean up her registry, scan for malware/virii, then check out her porn stash. Next, uninstall any useless compaq/hp software, check for BIOS updates, check for new or better drivers (mainly for the video card and fucking crappy mainboard). That should fix everything, and if not, well then Ill have to bust out the big guns and start editing the registry my damn self to make it work. (it probably needs RAM, too - but Im sorry, I gave all my extra laptop RAM to Ryan to alleviate his bogging p4-mobile laptop (Im sure Shea could use a 512 stick, too), and I think I passed some laptop RAM to lauren as well, for her sister's Toshi.
Motorola RAZR Modding starters:
Backup your phone Make a flash/flex backup with Random's Flash Backup (doesnt work for V3r's, Ive already tried.
This will make a direct copy of your phones firmware/software/files - you need a very good amount of battery left for this, but for modding I always recommend 100% batt, or at least as close to that as possible. (which is easy enough since the RAZR can charge off any computer equipped with the USB powa)
Now this flash backup tool DOES NOT work for v3r, like I said before, due to bootloader incompatibility.
After the flash backup has been made, make a direct file system backup. What I mean by this is use a P2k software (I will list the softs I use for reference at the end) to directly copy all folders and files to a specific location on your computer's HDD so as to save all your files (this wont save anything you have stored to the SIM card, but as long as you never lose/break/put a magnet near your SIM card, its data will NEVER be lost (contacts, text messages, carrier/customer info)
Alrighty now that you have 2 effective all-purpose backups (or just one for poor v3r owners like myself) you want to upgrade the firmware. This CAN be tricky now that there are SO many versions of the V3 series phones out now. A lot of firmwares (v3, v3c, v3i, v3m, v3x, v3r, v3t) are not cross-phone compatible, even cingular v3r firmware is NOT compatible with t-mo's myfaves v3r phones due to the god damn bootloader no one seems to be able to find/make/edit/update.
Updating the firmware CAN very possibly brick your phone if you do it wrong. (I did it with my old v620, and v330 phones)
To avoid bricking the phone (either repairably or irrepairably) - I suggest reading a shit-ton of info, provided at http://motomodders.net (need to register w/ a valid email for downloads) and http://howardforums.com (probably needs registration for something, although I havent reg`d there yet)
Here is a flex/flash guide if you are interested
Ok say you are too lazy (like me) to find a suitable firmware. Yea, fuck that shit, these phones are new enough anyways XD
Changing the outer LCD picture (cingular logo, or tmo logo) while the flip is open
This is simple enough, just make a pretty 96x80 pixel .gif file (no transparency, and as few colours as possible - I used under 64 colours and mine is badass) use a p2k soft to upload it to the phone (I dont remember when the file IS per-say, but if you can read, and have a good p2k soft, then it shouldnt be TOO hard, eh?)
Reboot the phone (either using the soft, or just doing it yourself with the phone's power button) to see the changes (this will apply to anything you change on your phone, and is MANDATORY for SEEM editing)
Oh wait, 'WTF is SEEM editing?' you ask, well let me pull some one else's guide since Im not going to type it all out.
Guide to SEEM editing Now that you hopefully know what SEEM editing is, and how to perform such a modification, we can move on to more difficult things. This includes 'unbranding' a phone, changing the menu (from 9 icons to 12), adding the FEM(engineering menu), enabling weird features like airplane mode, adding custom carriers (mostly for use when you cant get a good signal from the cell you are connected to), and/or altering the 'GAIN TABLE' for volumes and what not.
Here is a FULL list of known SEEM edits as well as a full list of GAIN TABLE edits and descriptions, even includes known MENU edits (MMA files).
That is basically all I know. If have any further questions, call/text me, leave me an IM/email or just leave a comment here.
Alright, first things first. Wow.. just wow. I remember now why Chris, Shea, and Wacker were some of the best friends I had. Me and Ryan actually went over to see them last night, and god damn it was good. In addition, Tommy, Steven, and Justine were all there... oh yea, and Phil too, as well as the girls. We all had some good drinks together (I have now realized the power of alcohol, the healer of wounds, mender of fences, deligator of commons, etc, etc and I could go on like this)
I dont remember a lot of specifics, that is how I knew it was a great time. However, I remember everyone has a RAZR, really gay shit, haha. Ive got the gunmetal Ver, as does Shea, then Justine has the metallic pink V3r (looks better than the poofy pearl pink new one, oh and guys DONT FORGET TO MAIL IN THOSE DAMN REBATES, YA SLACKERS), and Steven, being the omnipotent Canadian that he is, has one of the best Moto RAZRs, the black cingular V3/V3c (I still havent pinpointed which, but they are essentially the same when it comes to features and hacking.)
Its too bad Daerion and Hermanez had other plans (Daerion seeing his dad, and Hermanez had work early in the morning)
Alright, on to the good stuff. The technology. The XBOX360s they have are pretty cool, and no reported problems from Tommy OR Chris, so that is good. Chris still has that DELL desktop I set up for him (lol we need to upgrade that shit), Wacker's got what SOUNDS like the same, or a very similar-to-Laurens Toshiba lappy (powered by celeron M), justine has some busted up Compaq (hawhaw shes fucked like I am, Compaq/HP are shit), and Shea is still ballin' with the same laptop as Ryan (fags bought them at the same time, same place, with the same ASU cash)
Ok now, I thinking just 'upgrade' Justines lappy with my 'legal backup copy' of OEM WinXP, see how much that fixes, then clean up her registry, scan for malware/virii, then check out her porn stash. Next, uninstall any useless compaq/hp software, check for BIOS updates, check for new or better drivers (mainly for the video card and fucking crappy mainboard). That should fix everything, and if not, well then Ill have to bust out the big guns and start editing the registry my damn self to make it work. (it probably needs RAM, too - but Im sorry, I gave all my extra laptop RAM to Ryan to alleviate his bogging p4-mobile laptop (Im sure Shea could use a 512 stick, too), and I think I passed some laptop RAM to lauren as well, for her sister's Toshi.
Motorola RAZR Modding starters:
Backup your phone Make a flash/flex backup with Random's Flash Backup (doesnt work for V3r's, Ive already tried.
This will make a direct copy of your phones firmware/software/files - you need a very good amount of battery left for this, but for modding I always recommend 100% batt, or at least as close to that as possible. (which is easy enough since the RAZR can charge off any computer equipped with the USB powa)
Now this flash backup tool DOES NOT work for v3r, like I said before, due to bootloader incompatibility.
After the flash backup has been made, make a direct file system backup. What I mean by this is use a P2k software (I will list the softs I use for reference at the end) to directly copy all folders and files to a specific location on your computer's HDD so as to save all your files (this wont save anything you have stored to the SIM card, but as long as you never lose/break/put a magnet near your SIM card, its data will NEVER be lost (contacts, text messages, carrier/customer info)
Alrighty now that you have 2 effective all-purpose backups (or just one for poor v3r owners like myself) you want to upgrade the firmware. This CAN be tricky now that there are SO many versions of the V3 series phones out now. A lot of firmwares (v3, v3c, v3i, v3m, v3x, v3r, v3t) are not cross-phone compatible, even cingular v3r firmware is NOT compatible with t-mo's myfaves v3r phones due to the god damn bootloader no one seems to be able to find/make/edit/update.
Updating the firmware CAN very possibly brick your phone if you do it wrong. (I did it with my old v620, and v330 phones)
To avoid bricking the phone (either repairably or irrepairably) - I suggest reading a shit-ton of info, provided at http://motomodders.net (need to register w/ a valid email for downloads) and http://howardforums.com (probably needs registration for something, although I havent reg`d there yet)
Here is a flex/flash guide if you are interested
Ok say you are too lazy (like me) to find a suitable firmware. Yea, fuck that shit, these phones are new enough anyways XD
Changing the outer LCD picture (cingular logo, or tmo logo) while the flip is open
This is simple enough, just make a pretty 96x80 pixel .gif file (no transparency, and as few colours as possible - I used under 64 colours and mine is badass) use a p2k soft to upload it to the phone (I dont remember when the file IS per-say, but if you can read, and have a good p2k soft, then it shouldnt be TOO hard, eh?)
Reboot the phone (either using the soft, or just doing it yourself with the phone's power button) to see the changes (this will apply to anything you change on your phone, and is MANDATORY for SEEM editing)
Oh wait, 'WTF is SEEM editing?' you ask, well let me pull some one else's guide since Im not going to type it all out.
Guide to SEEM editing Now that you hopefully know what SEEM editing is, and how to perform such a modification, we can move on to more difficult things. This includes 'unbranding' a phone, changing the menu (from 9 icons to 12), adding the FEM(engineering menu), enabling weird features like airplane mode, adding custom carriers (mostly for use when you cant get a good signal from the cell you are connected to), and/or altering the 'GAIN TABLE' for volumes and what not.
Here is a FULL list of known SEEM edits as well as a full list of GAIN TABLE edits and descriptions, even includes known MENU edits (MMA files).
That is basically all I know. If have any further questions, call/text me, leave me an IM/email or just leave a comment here.
posted by Matt at 2:09 PM
Yeah but I still got hella wasted. Hahah...